NASA Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection
NASA Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection - Disc 4.iso
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# window.gui - last revision: October 12, 1997
# This script demonstrates how to create a separate GUI window.
# Sample widget script for creating a separate window for the
# NCEP/NCAR Re-analysis CDROM. Modify the first line ("chdir")
# for the location of your CDROM drive.
# How to invoke this script:
# Start one of the more general purpose GUI scripts, say sample.gui,
# by entering at the command line:
# ga-> gui sample.gui
# The from the "File" menu, select GUI, and enter the name of this
# script (window,gui). A second window shall pop-up.
# 1. Do not invoke this as your main GUI as it lacks many
# vital functions (such as a "QUIT" button).
# 2. Do note invoke this script from the "ncep.gui" script
# as to avoid widget naming conflicts.
# --
# (c) 1997 by Arlindo da Silva
# Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use,
# copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for
# profit, and provided this notice is retained.
# Mofify this for the location of your CDROM
# Win32 Users: Use //d to indicate drive d:
# ------------------------------------------
# Create a separate window for this
# ---------------------------------
MakeWindow(ncepstuff,"NCEP/NCAR CDROM Window");
# A "label" is an inactive widget which display some text,
# e.g., an informative title. The first argument, "root"
# in this case, is the name you give to the widget so that
# you can refer to it later on
# -------------------------------------------------------
MakeLabel(nceproot,"NCEP/NCAR Re-analysis CDROM")
# CDROM specific menu's
# ---------------------
MakeMenu(cc, "Climate")
MakeMenuItem(c1, cc, "Z u v T q ...", Open, "open climate/prflcl" )
MakeMenuItem(c2, cc, "Heat Fluxes", Open, "open climate/heatcl" )
MakeMenuItem(c3, cc, "Potential Vorticity", Open, "open climate/ipvcl" )
MakeMenu(mm, "Monthly")
MakeMenuItem(m1, mm, "Z u v T q ...", Open, "open monthly/prfl" )
MakeMenuItem(m2, mm, "Potential Vorticity", Open, "open monthly/ipv" )
MakeMenu(hd, "Z")
MakeMenuItem(xxx, hd, " Daily", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, hd, "_________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(hd5, hd, "Z 30 hPa", Open, "open daily/z30" )
MakeMenuItem(hd4, hd, "Z 200 hPa", Open, "open daily/z200" )
MakeMenuItem(hd3, hd, "Z 500 hPa", Open, "open daily/z500" )
MakeMenuItem(hd2, hd, "Z 700 hPa", Open, "open daily/z700" )
MakeMenuItem(hd1, hd, "Z 850 hPa", Open, "open daily/z850" )
MakeMenu(ud, "u")
MakeMenuItem(xxx, ud, " Daily", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, ud, "_________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(ud5, ud, "U 30 hPa", Open, "open daily/u30" )
MakeMenuItem(ud4, ud, "U 200 hPa", Open, "open daily/u200" )
MakeMenuItem(ud3, ud, "U 500 hPa", Open, "open daily/u500" )
MakeMenuItem(ud2, ud, "U 700 hPa", Open, "open daily/u700" )
MakeMenuItem(ud1, ud, "U 850 hPa", Open, "open daily/u850" )
MakeMenu(vd, "v")
MakeMenuItem(xxx, vd, " Daily", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, vd, "_________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(vd5, vd, "V 30 hPa", Open, "open daily/v30" )
MakeMenuItem(vd4, vd, "V 200 hPa", Open, "open daily/v200" )
MakeMenuItem(vd3, vd, "V 500 hPa", Open, "open daily/v500" )
MakeMenuItem(vd2, vd, "V 700 hPa", Open, "open daily/v700" )
MakeMenuItem(vd1, vd, "V 850 hPa", Open, "open daily/v850" )
MakeMenu(td, "T")
MakeMenuItem(xxx, td, " Daily", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, td, "_________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(td5, td, "T 30 hPa", Open, "open daily/t30" )
MakeMenuItem(td4, td, "T 200 hPa", Open, "open daily/t200" )
MakeMenuItem(td3, td, "T 500 hPa", Open, "open daily/t500" )
MakeMenuItem(td2, td, "T 700 hPa", Open, "open daily/t700" )
MakeMenuItem(td1, td, "T 850 hPa", Open, "open daily/t850" )
MakeMenuItem(td0, td, "T at 2m", Open, "open daily/t2m" )
MakeMenu(qd, "q")
MakeMenuItem(xxx, qd, " Daily", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, qd, "_________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(qd3, qd, "Q 500 hPa", Open, "open daily/q500" )
MakeMenuItem(qd2, qd, "Q 700 hPa", Open, "open daily/q700" )
MakeMenuItem(qd1, qd, "Q 850 hPa", Open, "open daily/q850" )
MakeMenuItem(qd0, qd, "Q at 2m", Open, "open daily/q2m" )
MakeMenu(sd, "Sfc")
MakeMenuItem(xxx, sd, " Daily", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, sd,"__________________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(sd1, sd, "Sea Level Pressure", Open, "open daily/mslp" )
MakeMenuItem(sd2, sd, "10 meter u-wind", Open, "open daily/u10m" )
MakeMenuItem(sd3, sd, "10 meter v-wind", Open, "open daily/v10m" )
MakeMenuItem(sd4, sd, "Zonal stress", Open, "open daily/uflx" )
MakeMenuItem(sd5, sd, "Meridional stress", Open, "open daily/vflx" )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, sd,"__________________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(sd6, sd, "Precipitation", Open, "open daily/prate" )
MakeMenuItem(sd7, sd, "Latent Heat Flux", Open, "open daily/lhtfl" )
MakeMenuItem(sd8, sd, "Sensible Heat Flux", Open, "open daily/" )
MakeMenuItem(xxx, sd,"__________________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(sd9, sd, "Shortwave [down]", Open, "open daily/dswrfsfc" )
MakeMenuItem(sda1, sd, "Longwave [down]", Open, "open daily/dlwrfsfc" )
MakeMenuItem(sda2, sd, "Shortwave [up]", Open, "open daily/uswrfsfc" )
MakeMenuItem(sda3, sd, "Longwave [up]", Open, "open daily/ulwrfsfc" )
MakeButton( close, "Close", CloseWindow, NULL )
MakeMenu(hh, "Help")
MakeMenuItem(h1, hh, "About this Software", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(h2, hh, "About this CDROM", Browse, "read.ams")
MakeMenuItem(h3, hh, "BAMS Article", Browse, "paper/bamspapr.asc")
# Once you define buttons and menus you may want to enforce their
# relative position. The very first button is always placed at the
# upper left corner.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
SetWidgetPos(cc, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, NO_CARE, NULL)
SetWidgetPos(mm, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, cc)
SetWidgetPos(hd, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, mm)
SetWidgetPos(ud, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, hd)
SetWidgetPos(vd, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, ud)
SetWidgetPos(td, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, vd)
SetWidgetPos(qd, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, td)
SetWidgetPos(sd, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, qd)
SetWidgetPos(close, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, sd)
SetWidgetPos(hh, PLACE_UNDER, nceproot, PLACE_RIGHT, close)
# You can optionally select a font
# --------------------------------
GetFont(ncepfont,"-*-helvetica-bold-o-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" )
# In order to make your widgets appear on the screen you *must*
# issue this command.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# After your widgets appear on the screen, you can set the color
# of your widgets. The following colors are pre-defined:
# white, back, red, green, blue, yellow.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: Do not call MainLoop() when you have used MakeWindow()
# APPENDIX: Currently available callback functions
# Browse Opens a text file, such as a help file, on a separate
# window.
# Cmd Executes a generic GrADS command
# CmdStr Like Cmd, but the user is prompted for an additional
# string to be appended to the GrADS command.
# CmdWin Invokes a window for GrADS command line interface.
# User can click on past commands from a list.
# CmdLine Invokes the standard GrADS command line interface.
# When the command line is active the other widgets
# are not available (may be fixed in the future).
# CloseWindow Closes the current window (do not use for your primary
# window or you will get stuck).
# Display A generic callback for displaying the current variable
# (or expression) set with VarSel. The options are:
# << decrements time and executes display
# PLAY starts animation from current to last time
# DISPLAY just executes display
# >> increments time and executes display
# If the "hold" toggle state is OFF (the default),
# the screen is cleared before displaying.
# Edit Like browse, but the user can edit the file. This simple
# text editor is integrated with GrADS, providing a very
# elementary Integrated Development Enviroment (IDE) for
# GrADS scripts. In particular, the script being edited
# can be executed by clicking on a button (not
# implemented yet).
# FileSel Pops up a scrollable list and asks the user to selected
# a file among the currently opened GrADS files (including
# SDFs). The selected file becomes the default.
# Load Pops up a "file finder" widget, and after the user
# clicks on a file name it executes a GrADS command
# specified as the last argument. In case of "open" or
# "sdfopen" the files becomes the default, and the
# user is asked to select a variable from this file.
# Open Similar to Load, but the file name must be specified.
# Toggle Turn internal options ON/OFF. The only internal
# option currently supported is "hold". This callback is
# usually used with MakeToggle(), see example above.
# VarSel Pops up a scrollable list and asks the user to selected
# a variable from the default file. The user can also
# type a generic GrADS expression instead of selecting
# a single variable.
# NULL Does not do anything, used for inactive buttons.